NFC TNAttendance
Time Nfc Attendance app , easy to use and install app for android devices that gives you complete autonomy and control over the input data .NFC Phone Check In
Extremely simple application that gives the user the ability to be using his phone with NFC support to check for the TNA system for Time and Attendance.
TnA Desktop for Windows
TnA Desktop for Windows is a system developed to be easy to use, starting from the plugging one of our contactless devices to your computer, installing our software and finally using all of the benefits of our Time and Attendance application. Checking in or checking out to the system is simple, requiring only to bring near to our reader either a contactless card, a tag or your own smartphone with NFC Check in application installed.
DownloadTnA Desktop for Mac OS
This version was developed for clients working in OS X operating system. In order to fulfill their needs, software was adjusted, allowing users to apply each and every feature of our software for employees’ presence monitoring. Easy to use, with variety of options and reports ready to be exported to CSV or Excel, this app is providing comfortable handling and accurate data for dedicated users.
OS X version of TnA Desktop is visually and operationally identical with other versions, so eventual transition from one operational system to another is painless.

TnA Desktop for Raspberry Pi
For our clients who needed an affordable, yet reliable solution for Time and Attendance management, we have developed a version that is fully operational with Raspberry Pi series of computers. These low-cost computers combined with our contactless readers are proven to be an excellent choice for clients who don’t need an actual desktop computer dedicated for operating TnA system or if there is no room for it on site. After plugging our contactless reader into Raspberry Pi computer and installing our TnA Desktop application, the system is completely functional. As in other versions of our system, in a case of absence of the internet connection, all recorded data are preserved and later synchronized as soon as the connection is established.